American Heritage girls

We are so excited to offer families the opportunity to be a part of American Heritage Girls! American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered, character-building scouting group that provides a safe, enjoyable outlet for young ladies to cultivate friendships and develop life, leadership, and social skills. Girls ages 5–17 will love the fun and adventure!  Parents will love the commitment to a Christian worldview.

Our program theme for this year is "WOVEN" based on Psalm 139:13-15.  Our prayer is that our girls will have a deep understanding of how they have been wonderfully WOVEN by their masterful Creator.  We have an exciting year planned full of faith, service and fun as we strive to fulfill the AHG mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.

Join Our Troop Mondays at 7pm

Come for a meeting and find out about American Heritage Girls!  We are Troop GA-2345, and we meet Mondays at 7pm at Christ Church in the Children's Building. If you are interested in joining our troop or volunteering, please contact Jen Zamora at

Our Vision

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

Our Mission

Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.

Our Values

  • Purity – God calls us to lives of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word, and deed. We are to reserve sexual activity to the sanctity of marriage, a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.
  • Service – God calls us to become responsible members of our community and the world through selfless acts that contribute to the welfare of others.
  • Stewardship – God calls us to use our God-given time, talents, and money wisely.
  • Integrity – God calls us to live moral lives that demonstrate an inward motivation to do what is right, regardless of the cost.
For more information about American Heritage Girls at Christ Church, please call the church office at 706.210.9090 or email us at

To learn more about American Heritage Girls, watch this short video.