Our Ministry
The Women of Christ Church support the ministry of Christ Church Presbyterian, serving Christ by serving those within our church, our community and around the world. There are various ways to become involved in this ministry.
The Women of Christ Church are excited about all the opportunities available for women to get to know one another, encourage each other, and serve our congregation. Some of you are already involved in Ladies of Eight where a small group of ladies meet once a month to get to know each other better while enjoying a meal, game, or a craft. Please email Nichole Gautreaux if you are interested in being included in a group.
You may remember from our yearly Christmas dinners that individuals and families volunteer to provide lovely decorations for their dinner table at the Missionary Love Gift Dinner. This is a great opportunity to share and love on our missionaries. If you would like to volunteer for the dinner, please email Faye Robeson. Contact Faye to reserve a table or for more information.
We hope that more women will join in these fellowship times, but there are also numerous ways to enjoying working together as well by providing meals for families experiencing illness, visiting shut ins, delivering flowers, assisting in decorating for once a month. We also have opportunities to work together on Sunday fellowship dinners, setting up and cleaning up for those meals, or serving on a committee that plans events and activities. It is fun to work with other ladies and get to know them! Email Linda Jones to learn more about the various opportunities available and getting more involved with the women in our church.
The Women of Christ Church are excited about all the opportunities available for women to get to know one another, encourage each other, and serve our congregation. Some of you are already involved in Ladies of Eight where a small group of ladies meet once a month to get to know each other better while enjoying a meal, game, or a craft. Please email Nichole Gautreaux if you are interested in being included in a group.
You may remember from our yearly Christmas dinners that individuals and families volunteer to provide lovely decorations for their dinner table at the Missionary Love Gift Dinner. This is a great opportunity to share and love on our missionaries. If you would like to volunteer for the dinner, please email Faye Robeson. Contact Faye to reserve a table or for more information.
We hope that more women will join in these fellowship times, but there are also numerous ways to enjoying working together as well by providing meals for families experiencing illness, visiting shut ins, delivering flowers, assisting in decorating for once a month. We also have opportunities to work together on Sunday fellowship dinners, setting up and cleaning up for those meals, or serving on a committee that plans events and activities. It is fun to work with other ladies and get to know them! Email Linda Jones to learn more about the various opportunities available and getting more involved with the women in our church.

Friday Morning Ladies' Bible Study

Ladies, please join us on Friday mornings for an in-depth look at the book of Judges this Spring. We will see how the Lord continues to guide and care for His people despite disobedience and wayward hearts.
Friday, February 2nd
10:00am - 12:00pm
Childcare will be provided.
Friday, February 2nd
10:00am - 12:00pm
Childcare will be provided.
We will meet weekly for 11 weeks but will skip the Fridays of the Mission Conference, Good Friday and Masters Week, respectively. Books are available on Amazon or your favorite Christian book retailer. You do not need to complete the first week's study before our first meeting. We hope to see you there!
Please contact the Rachel Milner with any questions.
Women in Prayer
In the spirit of Philippians 4:6, join ladies of Christ Church as we unite in online prayer twice weekly:
Sundays 4:00 until 5:00 p.m. and Thursdays 7:30 until 8:15 p.m. (focusing on America).
Contact Diane Dunsmore or Maria Russell to receive the online invitations.
Sundays 4:00 until 5:00 p.m. and Thursdays 7:30 until 8:15 p.m. (focusing on America).
Contact Diane Dunsmore or Maria Russell to receive the online invitations.
Assisting the People of our Congregation
Flower Ministry
This committee coordinates the flowers for the sanctuary for the Sunday services. It divides the flowers to be taken to the sick or shut-in that week.
Shut-in Visitation
This committee visits monthly with the various church members who cannot be present in church on Sundays for various reasons.
Meals Ministry
This committee provides meals to families with needs due to illness, bereavement, or childbirth & provides meals to keep in the freezer for quick distribution.

Coordinating and Decorating Church Events
Fellowship Dinner
Four teams who rotate the responsibility for coordinating the monthly Fellowship Dinners which follow the Sunday morning service.
This committee coordinates the decorations for the monthly Fellowship Dinner and other special dinners.
Seasonal Decorations
Special Events
This committee coordinates the decorating of the church for the Christmas and Easter seasons.
This committee coordinates special events such as baby showers, special receptions, and the Ladies Retreat.